Worried Whether You Have Breast Cancer or Not? Read This

Even though breast cancer has become common, not many women are aware of it. This sounds scary but it is true. Most of the women do not even have an idea that they are or might be suffering from this problem. This lack of knowledge can push them towards something really bad because 1 out of 38 women die due to breast cancer each year. Now you understand how scary and deadly breast cancer can be if a person does not know much about it.

But do not worry because we have listed a few common signs and symptoms of breast cancer. And you should not ignore it this time. Also, if you can relate to any of these signs, don’t forget to get breast surgery Nicosia from a trusted surgeon.

Change in skin texture: If you are dealing with breast cancer, you will notice a change in skin texture near your breast. To be more specific, there will be scaly skin and skin thickening in many parts near the breast.

Nipple discharge: Another change that you will see is nipple discharge. Now, this thing might differ from person to person. And the color of the discharge might also vary from yellow, green, milky to red.

Breast or nipple pain: If you ever experience a sudden breast or nipple pain, do not ignore it because it might indicate that you have breast cancer. Yes, of course, breast cancer is often painless but these are also a sign of cancer. Thus, you should take the necessary steps.

Swelling: If you notice swelling near the breast, you are recommended to go to a good doctor as soon as possible.

If you relate to any of these signs, you can take the help of Know Your Doctor. It is a great online platform that has been helping people to find the best oncoplastic surgery center. This platform has helped so many people till now. And the best thing is that it is very easy to use.

In short, even if you have never used any such platform before, you are going to like it now. So, what are you waiting for? Also, you can find centers like American Breast Center simply by typing the name. So, hurry and give a visit to the website of Know Your Doctor now.

About Know Your Doctor:

Know Your Doctor is a trusted center where you can find the breast reconstruction Cyprus.

For more details, visit https://www.knowyourdoctor.com.cy/hospital/breast-center/

Original Source: https://bit.ly/3nDmoOR

Know These Things Before Getting Breast Cancer Surgery

Even though breast cancer has become so common, not many people know much about it. Women just don’t understand the seriousness of this problem so they don’t take it seriously. But this is wrong. You might not know this but each woman has a nearly 13% chance that she might develop breast cancer once in her lifetime and this is so scary. But do not worry because if you get the effective breast cancer surgery from the best breast surgery Nicosia clinic, you won’t get into any complications. 

However, this is not it. It’s because there are a few things that you should also know about for a successful surgery. Even if you have an idea of the things that must be done before breast surgery, you should still read these points anyway to make sure you are not missing out on anything. So, let’s get started. 

· Do Not Panic: Breast cancer surgery is a huge thing but you should not panic. Why? Because taking too much stress will only make things worse. So, the best thing that you can do is stay relaxed and calm. 

· Consider a Second Option: For successful breast surgery, it is important to pick the most trusted center. But you should also have a second option. It’s just that in such serious health problems, it is better to have a second option. 

· Develop a Recovery Plan: Make sure that you have a proper recovery plan that you must follow after the surgery. For this, you can consult with your surgeon and can know what is best for you. 

· Understand the Instructions: Make sure that you are following each and everything that the surgeon is saying you to do. 

Now, to find the best breast reconstruction Cyprus you can visit the website of Know Your Doctor. It is one of the best platforms that have helped so many people to find hospitals, clinics, dentists, and health specialists on time. 

Know Your Doctor was launched in 2015 and has helped so many people till now. The most interesting about this platform is that it helps to find health centers and doctors simply by writing the name. Like if you want to book an appointment with The American Breast Center, you can simply write the name and you are ready. If you want, you can visit the website of Know Your Doctor to understand how it works. 

About Know Your Doctor:

Know Your Doctor is one of the best breast center Nicosia that helps to find an oncoplastic surgery center quickly.

For more information, visit https://www.knowyourdoctor.com.cy/hospital/breast-center/

Find the Best Medical Health Care and Treatment Online

Once a girl hits puberty, her body undergoes many changes but starting the menstruation cycle and growth of the breasts are the most significant changes of all. But hectic work life and managing the house makes women put their health on the sideline. This attitude does take a toll on their health and it manifests in the form of health disorders. Out of the all types of health disorders, women are most affected by breast cancer. Finding breast cancer in its early stages by scans like mammography Nicosia can benefit women in getting the best medical treatment.


This article does not want you to panic but rather be informed on how it can be detected. If in a mammogram, your doctor finds suspicious lumps in your breast, he/she might suggest for breast biopsy Nicosia. If found to be cancerous then you will have a multidisciplinary team of doctors at your disposal that will help you in care and counseling along with the treatment. Treatment for breast cancer will depend on the subtype of the tumor, genomic markers, and stage of the tumor, age of the patient and the patient’s general health, status of the menstruation cycles and detection of mutations. To receive such a top-notch diagnosis and treatment for such a serious condition, it is important that you opt for a medical center that has all the latest medical technology and treatment options.

If you are a woman living in Cyprus, you might want to use the online platform Know Your Doctor. It has a comprehensive database of all the doctors and medical centers in Cyprus who specialize in different specialties. Know Your Doctor suggests American Breast Center that specializes in the breast cancer treatment and uses an extensive team of doctors and the modern medical technology to give the treatment that you need in such a condition. You can find all the information about them on Know Your Doctor platform. In addition to doctors, Know Your Doctor also tells you about the nearest pharmacies to buy your medicines. To access the platform, you need to sign up as a visitor with all your details and then narrow down your search based on the region and the type of doctor you need. Once you get treated, you can come back to the platform and give a feedback to help other people get the best medical treatment.

About Know Your Doctor:

Know Your Doctor is an online platform that helps you find the right doctor or a medical centre like American Breast Center Nicosia.

For more information, visit https://www.knowyourdoctor.com.cy/

Original Source: https://bit.ly/2JqRS97


Get the Best Breast Treatment from American Breast Center

When you want to make sure that you get the best results, you have to go to the best service providers. If you want to get any kind of breast-related treatment, you should get in touch with the American Breast Center. It is a reliable name that can help you get the best breast-related treatment and care. From breast surgery Cyprus to mastectomy and breast reconstruction, mammography and even breast ultrasound, they have all that you could possibly need.


Other than the wide range of treatment options available, they have a very reliable staff that can help you get the best results. The American Breast Center was established by the American Medical Center to offer a comprehensive and interdisciplinary approach to ailments related to the breast. When you visit the center, you will notice that they offer complete care as well as counseling. From diagnosis till the medical procedure is performed and even for follow up and care after the treatment, they will always be available for help and guidance to you. Some of the treatments and procedures that they can perform with their cutting-edge equipment and skilled staff include:

1. Digital Mammography

2. Magnetic Mammography

3. Breast Ultrasound

4. Surgical Treatment

5. Oncoplastic, Reconstructive and Plastic Surgery

6. Pathology Procedures

7. Chemotherapy

8. Specialized Physiotherapy

So, if you have any kind of breast-related problem or would like to rule out the possibility or even gather information, you can head straight to the American Breast Center.

But, what if you want information about any other medical center or a medical professional that can offer you any type of treatment, how will know which is the best option? Well, you can rely on Know Your Doctor. It is a reliable online directory of medical centers and caregivers. At the Know Your Doctor platform you can find the best professional, 24-hour chemist shops and medical centers where you can get complete healthcare. Whether you are looking for breast reconstruction Cyprus or any other treatment for that matter, you should always rely on Know Your Doctor! Here, you will get all the information and the perfect recommendation. Also, doctors and other medical professionals can use this platform to reach patients.

About Know Your Doctor:

Know Your Doctor is an online directory of medical caregivers where you can find the best place for breast cancer treatment Cyprus.

To know more, visit https://www.knowyourdoctor.com.cy/hospitals-clinics/3597-breast-center

Original Source: http://bit.ly/2uSzvpt